By p - 28/08/2012 20:38 - Canada - Markham

Today, I had a piano exam. My friend noticed how nervous I was, and recommended that I compliment the examiner for higher marks. When it was time for the exam, without thinking, I told him I liked his hair. Turns out bald people don't like that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 487
You deserved it 27 843

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Tell him you meant his nose hair.

CherryLipBalm 1

"I really like your highlights--BALD! BALD! BALD!!"


tell him ops and Mr, Clean is bad ass

I totally understand. Those examiners are brutal. But complimenting them wont get you anywhere that's for sure. Hope you passed still.

Well, to prepare for an exam, you have to get to a higher level than the required exam level because nerves WILL bring your performance down and you then still need to do the job. Really, studying works better than trying to flatter and flirt your grade up.

now normally I would say you deserve it but considering that you were nervous I'm going to say how embarrassing.

A good examiner should notice when someone is nervous and then correct the result accordingly. There's no need to compliment examiners.

Thats stupid. Sucking up won't help, but being generally curteous and polite will.