By Anonymous - 27/01/2015 00:19 - United States - Huntsville

Today, I'm at the unique point in my schooling that I'm either extremely overqualified or extremely underqualified for every job opportunity that appeals to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 782
You deserved it 2 431

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I will never understand why "Over Qualified" is a thing

Apply for a job you're overqualified for, then work your way up. Simple!


Don't loose hope! There are always jobs out there!

Where do you live where there are always jobs? I want to move there.

Ooo buddy, I've been there. I even offered to get work below award wage just to get experience. it's bloody tough out there

When my friend was there, at one point he started removing qualifications from his curriculum when applying to certain places so they didn't see him as over qualified... it worked for him, but I'm not sure if it would be the best where OP is, since I don't really understand the US job market.

Ihavegas 22

self employment maybe key here. it's what i had to do to get by, im now in a full time job. employers love selfstarters.

Definitely agree #17. In college I was unable to find a job and instead started my own business. I am now graduated and have a great job. They told me that what stood out the most on my resume was the fact that I had started a business.

Start your own business, don't let anybody tell you what your qualified for, except the bank when you apply for a loan.

Join the f**king club buddy graduated in 2012 still not working in my field!!!!

Goblin182 26

I don't see the uniqueness of this.

Do you have a criminal history or are you a 'minority' of some sort? Sometimes merit isn't enough and there are other forces at play. Keep the faith!

The American education and career systems are a little screwed up in my opinion. You can never satisfy anyone anymore...

Charles900 16

Yeah, with today's job market, finding a job is rather difficult. Good luck finding employment, Op.