By RIPLife - 24/03/2016 14:03 - Switzerland - Carouge
Same thing different taste
Stress test
By anonymous - 20/10/2010 06:38 - New Zealand
By Anonymous - 29/11/2013 18:08 - United States - Parker
By Tiffer27 - 25/01/2016 18:02 - United States
By Anonymous - 07/06/2012 18:09 - United States - Charlotte
By SenorPoopypants - 08/01/2017 19:23
By spit saliva spit - 07/08/2019 20:00
By anon - 27/03/2015 20:09 - United States - San Francisco
Itching and scratching
By BMXDude22 - 06/10/2023 07:30 - United States
By ... - 12/02/2019 18:00
That went well
By not on life, that's for fucking sure - 25/10/2014 18:27 - United States
Top comments
At least someone didn't stick their finger in your mouth on the way back.
Hope you got the job OP!! ? never give up!!! I'm sure they understood the situation.
I'd hire you just for toughing it out
At least you didn't bleed on your potential boss!
Your capillaries are plotting against you! On a serious note, I hope that the nosebleeds haven't affected your chances. It's hardly your fault. Good on your for toughing it out.
Dont Give up Bro ! All the best for the future
You should have Tyler Durden'd it and gotten a swanky office to boot
Blood, sweat and tears? If you finished the interview that's real dedication. Sound like a mess though. :(
Ouch, that really sucks OP. I'm sure they'll understand though, it's not like you purposefully got a nose bleed.
That's bloody unpleasant, mate