By Anonymous - 11/06/2011 22:36 - United States

Today, I was lying in bed with my cat. I must have looked at him the wrong way or something, because he hissed and savagely clawed at my face without warning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 263
You deserved it 7 317

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flockz 19

sorry i hate beiing the grammar nazi but *onslaught


bootzilla_fml 0

maybe it got tired of your lazy ass laying around

aucordov 0

My stupid ass cat did the samething to me last night

cats and dogs see it as a sign of aggression if you blow air into their face. even if its by accident :) so in a way ydi.

Exactly. I have cats and dogs, and they hate that.

dmoantwan 0

you deserve it for lying in bed with your cat!

yeoww .... that's gotta hurt . sorry for u

JokeMeister 0
robert76 5

Oh dogs do too do that. My roomie's gf has one of those little yappy dogs, a yorkie mix of some kind. If you look at him wrong, he will charge across the room and bite you with no warning.

livewithdignity 0

This is why I will never get a cat. Most of them aren't even remotely nice.