By hlev24 - 03/03/2009 16:20 - United States

Today, I was on my way home from a friends house. I called home ahead of time to let my parents know. My dad picked up and in a panting voice said, "Now isn't a good time, drive around the block for 15 minutes." FML
I agree, your life sucks 104 065
You deserved it 6 722

Same thing different taste

Poor planning on your part does not necessitate an emergency on mine

By Anonymous - 03/04/2024 05:00 - United States

Today, as always, when my dad says he needs my help and that it will only take 15 minutes, it will actually take all day because he doesn't plan ahead. This has happened three times now, so this time I demanded he compensate me for my time if I have to drive out there. He called me an "entitled little shit" and hung up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 395
You deserved it 206

Top comments

LittleMissMack 0

Parents have sex, it's not that big of a deal. And its better than "Today, I didn't call my parents to let them know I was coming home. I walked in and heard my dad f*cking my mom. FML."

Look on the bright side. At least you didn't walk in on them having sex on the living room floor.


Common_Sense 0

Ok, your life is totally not ******. I mean seriously, you're probably the only person on this site whose parents are still happy together. Don't complain that your parents have a good sex life with each other.

Maybe I'm just weird, but whenever I heard my parents having sex as I kid, I felt an immensity of pride and gratitude for having parents who loved eachother. My inner voice always rang out, "Go get her, Dad!"

@79 you effing heard your parents having sex??? FYL x 10000

that is TERRIBLE. i would honestly come back 5 minutes later with an airhorn, open up the door a crack so i couldn't see in, and make it as loud as possible. that is honestly terrible of your dad. i'm sorry.

#79: Yes that is weird. Good relationship is good, mentally cheering Dad on screwing Mom is... odd.

correct response is to tell your dad to turn the phone off and lock the door next time. thats just gross.

MajorTom85 0

Hmm... I dunno, I think the worst part is that he was panting while he was on the phone with you. That makes me think that he didn't stop or slow down to talk to you. Yikes. Also, I'm having trouble deciding if he made the right choice by even talking to you. If they were in the bedroom, they could have answered the phone, said ok, then got quiet when you came in... I dunno. Something a little more strategic than that. But I guess letting you know not to come in is better than you walking in and seeing them on the couch or something.

At least you had a warning instead of walking in on them. That would have been a serious FML.