By Anonymous - 20/09/2013 22:20 - United Kingdom - Newcastle

Today, I was struggling to move a large bookshelf downstairs. Mid-way down, the weight became too much for me and I desperately yelled to my dad for help. He stood at the top of the stairs and said, "Cash or broken bones. How much's it worth, son?" I'm now £50 poorer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 085
You deserved it 4 082

Same thing different taste


perdix 29

He probably used the money to get pissed at the local pub. He had to drown the shame that his own offspring turned out to be a weak tit,

Shouldn't have tried to do that yourself in the first place :p

TyT63 12

you should have disassembled it then taken it down the stairs

That sounds like my friend's dad. He can't do anything to help you unless he's being compensated in some form or fashion. SMH at least you got it moved and you're not injured. Hope the bookshelf was worth £50

perdix 29

You can't haggle the price when he's got you over a barrel -- or under a bookshelf, as the case may be!

anarchy94 7

I can imagine him saying this as he's pressing the bookshelf down on you with his foot.

Gingerette 8

Sounds like daddy is a negotiating shark.

caitlinbblack 14

I think the dad was saying how much is his help to save him worth? Would he rather have broken bones or give away money in return for his help