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Bad buzz

By Anonymous - 20/09/2022 10:00

Today, I went to fix my porch light. I have called maintenance multiple times about it, but I finally decided to just fix it myself. There was a wasps' nest in the light. FML
I agree, your life sucks 959
You deserved it 117

Same thing different taste

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At the big box home supply stores they sell cans of wasp killer in the gardening section. Those can spray a long way and kill the wasps on contact. The instructions are on the can. Use this to kill the wasps and be sure to soak the nest. Then remove the old nest with a scrapper of some sort. Then you can change the bulb… Or call maintenance again, but now you know why they aren’t eager to change the bulb.

Sounds like part of the Steig Larsson franchise.


At the big box home supply stores they sell cans of wasp killer in the gardening section. Those can spray a long way and kill the wasps on contact. The instructions are on the can. Use this to kill the wasps and be sure to soak the nest. Then remove the old nest with a scrapper of some sort. Then you can change the bulb… Or call maintenance again, but now you know why they aren’t eager to change the bulb.

Sounds like part of the Steig Larsson franchise.