By Anonymous - 19/03/2014 01:07 - United Kingdom - Burnley

Today, my boyfriend gave me an anniversary present to mark 5 years of us being together. It was a Mooncup. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 722
You deserved it 4 903

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DKjazz 20

I thought a mooncup sounded like some kind of delicious pastry before I googled it. How wrong I was.

That is how they make Bloody Marys, right?


Disturbingly, I did not have to ask or Google..

if I wanted to use Google, I'd be on Google, not FML.

Dude that's not even a gift haha more like a hint of some sort

xxrebelsxx 13

I thought it was just a cup with a moon on it until I read through the comments lol

chickinblue 12

Menstrual cups are expensive, so I would have been psyched about getting one as a gift (maybe I'm just really weird)

Not a lot of guys are willing to buy menstrual supplies for their wives/girlfriends. Your guy went and bought you a menstrual cup. By the way, he should know that you can't have sex with a menstrual cup in place.

Maybe he will also buy her some instead cups. You can have sex with those in place.

Coeliacchic93 21

soft cups you can have sex while wearing. they're great!

I stopped using Urban Dictionary because it's unreliable, and Google web displays sample of images.

I've got to stop reading these over breakfast.