By Anonymous - 27/12/2016 13:16 - Australia

Today, my extremely lazy colleague received a promotion with benefits, while I was fired for "not being a team-player". I had stayed quiet about her constant negative behaviour because my supervisor said we needed to "have each other's backs". While I was protecting hers, she put a knife in mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 048
You deserved it 821

Same thing different taste

Top comments

without someone else to carry the load, she may find her promotion short-lived. Employers generally want results, particularly from someone just promoted.

Shadowvoid 33

That's why I only stick up for people who truly deserve it, I won't say anything bad about them until someone asks my opinion. You don't get free chances, you have to earn my approval before I give you any slack. I wouldn't say this works for everyone and in all cases, but I'm not going to let someone screw me and be silent about it.


Hope all goes well getting another job, in the long run you'll probably be better away from this kind of environment. If the manager is telling you to play nice, but then allowing the other to slag you off, without giving you the chance to challenge, then they're a terrible manager. Not sure if it's worth you time to make a complaint to his boss... But next time, rather than helping someone cover up bad practise, let them crash and burn and stick up for those who are getting unnecessary bad feedback.

without someone else to carry the load, she may find her promotion short-lived. Employers generally want results, particularly from someone just promoted.