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By The L word - 30/01/2009 15:28 - United States

Today, I found out the girl I've been trying to date for six months is gay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 924
You deserved it 6 297

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It took you 6 months to find out this person was gay? What did you guys talk about? The weather?

emoose 1

wow im so sorry but ive got one for you i liked a girl who didnt have the same feelings so i moved on to another girl who gave the same reaction...i learned a few months after that they were both gay...together


I feel your pain. I had a crush on a gay guy for about 6 months, also. FML

macfluffers 0

Two girls I had a crush on turned out to be lesbians. Not only that, they seemed to be really good friends. (Coincidence? :/) I know how weird it feels, man.

she's only told you that to stop you from trying ^^

hahaha I'm a gay chick and it's happening to me RIGHT NOW!!! lol

lilemo 0

I'm lesbian too an the last guy I ever dated is still trying to get me back. funny thing is I don't hide what I am

Hey can you guys help me out then? I'm bi and kind of open about it with my friends. I like this girl and I'm pretty sure she's bi too but I don't want to make it weird, you know?

hey confront her! dies he know ur bi? if so, then ask her is she is. not directly, but kinda subtle, like, any hot guys out there? then she goes, no I'm not interested in guys, or something

Nuahavizu 17

Awww, that jsut happened to me today. Then I came home and decided to cheer up a little and log onto FML to read about worse things that have happened. I hit the 'random' button and this popped up.

liltrece1986 0
voltron_cometh 0

The definition of irony is something that is the opposite of what was expected. Therefore, irony could be used in this sense depending on what OP expected to read.

emoose 1

wow im so sorry but ive got one for you i liked a girl who didnt have the same feelings so i moved on to another girl who gave the same reaction...i learned a few months after that they were both gay...together

Maybe she just said that because she didn't fancy you back?

I like the usage there, #9. Fancy does not get used enough in that context. I don't know how you'd segue into it, but if you're falling in love with someone, somehow find out their sexual orientation beforehand, always.

That sucks, try to make her fall for you though.

if she's gay it's not gonna work out. this gay guy kept asking me out constantly in high school, but i had to turn him down because i wasn't gay. some girl said i should just go out with him anyway, but it wouldn't be fair to him since the relationship wouldn't go anywhere. Trying to make someone of a different sexual preference to fall in love with you is just gonna make you annoying to that person.

CHILL222 0

sux, u should try findin that stuff out b4 ya fall 4 er