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By ShitHappens2016 - 16/04/2017 18:00

Today, my mother-in-law texted to wish me a happy birthday. She spelled my name wrong and it's not my birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 874
You deserved it 330

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I get it. I'm guessing your name is something like "Jennifer" and she misspelled it as "Get the **** out of my precious boy's life, you *****!" That's how autocorrect works on mother-in-law phones.

JadeMinu 10

Remember OP... two can play that game... Get your sweet revenge by doing the same thing, only go up 5 levels. But keep it in a classy humorous level ;)


I get it. I'm guessing your name is something like "Jennifer" and she misspelled it as "Get the **** out of my precious boy's life, you *****!" That's how autocorrect works on mother-in-law phones.

JadeMinu 10

Omfg HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! That escalated quicky!

JadeMinu 10

Omfg HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! That escalated quickly!

JadeMinu 10

Remember OP... two can play that game... Get your sweet revenge by doing the same thing, only go up 5 levels. But keep it in a classy humorous level ;)

OP, at least she's thinking of you ... and in a positive way, too! :-)

Or just passive-aggresively telling OP that she doesn't like OP.

Lame!! She probably texted the wrong person. Plus who cares. Stupid FML

Maybe she was drunk? Either way, nice gesture and you should've thanked her.

bass_ftp 12

Maybe she has a friend with a similar name like yours that actually did have a birthday and she misclicked in her contacts list.

nononsense14 8

Host a funeral themed birthday party for her next birthday.