By crazy_bananas - 22/08/2016 15:53 - United States

Today, not even 10 minutes into my job as a student teacher, I've had one student wipe boogers on me, another pee their pants, and a third won't stop crying for his mother. This is my first day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 170
You deserved it 1 842

crazy_bananas tells us more.

crazy_bananas 31

Hi OP here! I'm going to explain a few things since 300 characters isn't enough to get the whole story down. I really appreciate all the nice comments, and I loved how many of you wanted it to be high school or early college students! But first to all the people who say I deserve it and I should have expected this because I'm going into a teaching profession, **** off. I'm talking to you #30, 36, 39, 40, and 42 and anyone else who comments on this at a later time. Just because I'm going to be a teacher doesn't mean I deserve it. I also never said I didn't expect it, I knew what I was getting into when I decided I wanted to be a teacher and learn in a a younger age group setting. Okay! Now to other things! To answer the most comment question, no these aren't high school kids, these were 5 and 6 year olds. This was a kindergarten level class and it was the first day of the year, so I knew that there were going to be tears and some icky things were going to happen. I fortunately brought an extra pair of pants with me I changed into them so I wouldn't have boogers on me all day. The kid who peed their pants was sent to the nurses office so their mommy could come bring them new pants and underwear. And the kid who was crying for his mommy cried so hard that he threw up a little bit so he got to be nurse buddies with the kid who peed their pants. His mom brought him back to class and luckily he had calmed down enough and didn't cry when she left again. He was just going through a little separation anxiety but once he saw that the day was going to end at 12, and he would get to play games and be told stories he was super chill and ended up loving being in class. The worst thing about this whole situation was that the teacher was outside with all the parents when it all went down, so I had to deal with the debacle by myself. Admittedly though, this was a great learning experience that I'll be sure to learn from when I have to run a classroom by myself. However, I will not be teaching little kids at this young an age, I'm aiming for 7 and 8 year olds or high school student. Hopefully, with high school kids I won't run into a similar situation!

Top comments

You can do this. All kids have their sets of problems and once you get emotionally connected with these kids, they'll love you whenever you walk into class screaming your name with excitement and joy. Stay content at this moment because the future is what holds the truth


StormGirl142 24

This is why I'm going to teach high school. Lol. Seriously though, it'll get better. The first day is always the hardest. You're a much braver person than I am. The emotional labor that goes into caring for and teaching small children is vastly under appreciated. I hope you enjoy the rest of your time as a student teacher, and when you get your own classroom, you look back and laugh at the memories of your first day. Good luck!

Now, it depends, which is your student's age?

Yeah, college freshmen are the worst.

I picked "You deserve it" because you should've 100% expected this going into that career.

A student teacher doesn't always get to choose what class they get. Please know everything before you comment

If only you could actually discipline a child these days teach them the right way

How is hitting someone the right way to teach

davek 36

And the worst thing is, you teach senior year?

I promise that it will get better. Similar things happened on my first day of student teaching- it's overwhelming- the kids, the teacher who will be giving you your grades, the expectations, the parents... You will settle in though and have a blast! Keep a bottle of sanitizer on your desk and bring a change of clothes... You just never know when you need a sanitizer shower and a quick change of shirt!

...So which was it, Kindergarten or College?

crazy_bananas 31

Hi OP here! I'm going to explain a few things since 300 characters isn't enough to get the whole story down. I really appreciate all the nice comments, and I loved how many of you wanted it to be high school or early college students! But first to all the people who say I deserve it and I should have expected this because I'm going into a teaching profession, **** off. I'm talking to you #30, 36, 39, 40, and 42 and anyone else who comments on this at a later time. Just because I'm going to be a teacher doesn't mean I deserve it. I also never said I didn't expect it, I knew what I was getting into when I decided I wanted to be a teacher and learn in a a younger age group setting. Okay! Now to other things! To answer the most comment question, no these aren't high school kids, these were 5 and 6 year olds. This was a kindergarten level class and it was the first day of the year, so I knew that there were going to be tears and some icky things were going to happen. I fortunately brought an extra pair of pants with me I changed into them so I wouldn't have boogers on me all day. The kid who peed their pants was sent to the nurses office so their mommy could come bring them new pants and underwear. And the kid who was crying for his mommy cried so hard that he threw up a little bit so he got to be nurse buddies with the kid who peed their pants. His mom brought him back to class and luckily he had calmed down enough and didn't cry when she left again. He was just going through a little separation anxiety but once he saw that the day was going to end at 12, and he would get to play games and be told stories he was super chill and ended up loving being in class. The worst thing about this whole situation was that the teacher was outside with all the parents when it all went down, so I had to deal with the debacle by myself. Admittedly though, this was a great learning experience that I'll be sure to learn from when I have to run a classroom by myself. However, I will not be teaching little kids at this young an age, I'm aiming for 7 and 8 year olds or high school student. Hopefully, with high school kids I won't run into a similar situation!

As a high school student, I guarantee you that you will run into the same situation, especially when midterms and finals are coming up.

crazy_bananas 31

I was a high school student hardly over a year ago, (Class of 2015) and I have never experienced this happening at a high school level. Maybe it was just at my particular school but seriously where are all these horrible teenagers coming from?

My family is filled with current and former teachers (mother in law, her partner, and then my maternal grandmother and a cousin as well!) all of which taught at what's called 'Primary' level over here, so aged 5-11. In Kindergarten, there'll be at least a few of them who've barely been separated from their parents, so it's a culture shock! Give the kids a few weeks to settle in, and it should get better, once they get used to the new routine. After that, there should be fewer 'accidents' and nowhere near as many tears!

aron666 25

These times are, when I'm really glad I've chosen to teach at university, although there can be quite a few fml worth moments also. Either way I convey my best wishes for your job.

da_epic_failman 7

If you were "prepared" for it, and expecting it, and all that, why do you have to complain about it on FML? FML is about complaining about things that are unfair. I'm not saying you deserved the treatment of those kids, but you did choose it. That's why I picked "YDI", because there's no better option.

crazy_bananas 31

Because even if I did expect something ick to happen, it is still fml worthy to have a child wipe boogers on you, to hear a small child cry in fear with tears and eventual vomit, and to see another child pee their pants. It sucks, it really, really sucks having to deal with all of this at the beginning of the day. I'd like to see you try dealing with a roomful of little kids trying to keep them in order and teach them.

I teach high school and I've had nearly every bodily fluid on me at some point or another. You get used to it. At least at the kindergarten level you know they didn't do it on purpose. Keep up the good work, OP! Teaching is incredibly rewarding and, as long as you have the stomach for it, the relationships you build with your students are worth the occasional booger.

but I don't want to deal with that hence why I decided not to have kids or work in those type of environments.

I have a question for you, OP. How is it that you are doing your student teaching already, when you just finished high school last year? I'm a teacher, and you wouldn't be doing your student teaching for another two years, and pre student teaching would be the year before - you would be at least one more year away from anything student teaching related. Also, you would also already need to know which track you want to teach at: elementary or high school, unless you eventually want to get yourself certified for both - but you don't do that at the same time. Your explanation has left me perplexed.

My university's education program was especially rigorous. I was in the classroom doing observations and occasional teaching from the first education class I took my first year of college. By my second year of college, I was planning and teaching my own class. I know a few people who did a certification for elementary and high school at the same time. I'm sure it varies state by state and university program, because I know people who didn't even begin classroom observations or education classes until their third year of college.

crazy_bananas 31

To answer your question 67, I'm in the same boat as 69. My universities educational program is very hard and competitive. From the beginning I was observing classrooms and writing a huge amount of long, complicated essays on childhood development. In this particular classroom at this school, even though this is only the beginning of my second year of college, I was invited by the teacher and principal to be a student teacher. I guess I'm officially a student student-teacher, but it's really a great way to learn. Getting out of a traditional classroom where we only discuss children and how they work is one thing, but actually getting to observe the kids and teach them personally is another thing.

crazy_bananas 31

Also yes I do want to be certified for both. I'm just going with the little kids first, each age group comes with their own difficulties but I saw it as, if I can get through the classrooms full of loud little people I can get through the classrooms full of snarky teenagers.

I teach High school, and I can tell you that things can get pretty intense at the beginning, middle, and end of the year. I haven't had anyone pee themselves, so that's a plus. Good luck with your training!

FML is not just about talking about unfair situations, it's talking about something that happened to the op or something the op heard about.

nellyphant 18

It's only been 10 mins and your pissed off that the kid is still crying for its mother. Your in the wrong career!

I'd be annoyed too. Have you heard how hard you have to cry to vom?