By YoshiSqu4d - 03/07/2019 14:01

Today, someone tripped the fire alarm at the hotel I'm currently staying at while I was taking a shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 598
You deserved it 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ugh, that happened to me once at work. It turned out just to be a drill but I got yelled at for ruining my department's evacuation response time. Hey, I was in the middle of evacuating my bowels, shouldn't that count?


Thor son of odin 1

that is fine enjoy your moment

Ugh, that happened to me once at work. It turned out just to be a drill but I got yelled at for ruining my department's evacuation response time. Hey, I was in the middle of evacuating my bowels, shouldn't that count?

When I was living in a dorm for college, there was one night the fire alarm went off 3 times in 2 hours. The first one went off right as I was stepping into the shower, so I ended up spending those 2 hours outside in the cold wearing just a robe.

HokieJ 10

Pinch it off and get to safety!

So? I usually sleep through those. Could be worse: what if you were just about to have a screaming ******? That would be an FML.

YoshiSqu4d 17

It's been a while since that happens, but I feel the need to mention that I was in that hotel because a tree fell on my house right at the end of May 2019, double FML, and I was in there for 3 months because the county took their sweet time approving the building permit so the contractors could actually begin work, triple FML. Oh yeah, and this wasn't the only time the alarm went off. One time it was set off by some guy smoking weed, but I wasn't in the middle of a dump, lol.