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Town planning

By Anonymous - 28/05/2022 10:00

Today, my boss explicitly told me to demolish a half-built house that was 50 feet too far from where it should have been and was actually on someone else’s land. I knocked it down, then it turned out to be the wrong one, and my boss threw me under the bus and swore he’d told me to demolish the other house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 221
You deserved it 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People who get mad at someone for following their express orders should be dragged into the street and shot.

I’d look for another job, you work for the worst kind of idiot.


I’d look for another job, you work for the worst kind of idiot.

Well, OP, I'd say that is good point in life to get every future order you get from your boss (this or another one) in writing. Always. With as many questions as you can fit, so when push comes to shove, it's their ass on fire, not yours.

My exact thoughts get a Cover your Ass email reponse!

"Shit rolls downhill." That is why it's great to be a boss: you can usually scapegoat your underlings for your ****-ups.

People who get mad at someone for following their express orders should be dragged into the street and shot.

That’s why you get stuff like that in writing.

Always and I mean always get your boss or supervior to send job details in an email. or send to confirm said job. I have a boss that would not ever respond to emails he would come to my desk and verbally respond. So I would follow up with an email to the one he would not respond with, Per our coversation you want xyz completed: blah blah blah... Everytime its called the CYA email

wrenavery90 12

Honestly it sounds as though neither of you should be in construction.