Wandering eye

By Anonymous - 24/09/2024 05:00 - United Kingdom

Today, my husband managed to crash the car because he was too busy looking at an attractive girl with her leggings wedged up her ass crack, and I know he only crashed because he was looking at her, because I was in the car with him when it happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 167
You deserved it 27

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe time to sit down and have a serious think about the relationship? Crashing the car because he can't keep his eyes to himself should be his 'come to Jesus' moment. If it isn't then you might want to add up the pros and cons of whether you actually want to be with such a guy. A quick glance is one thing, but creeping so hard he puts you both in real danger? Yeah... Time for a brutal, flat chat about things.


Maybe time to sit down and have a serious think about the relationship? Crashing the car because he can't keep his eyes to himself should be his 'come to Jesus' moment. If it isn't then you might want to add up the pros and cons of whether you actually want to be with such a guy. A quick glance is one thing, but creeping so hard he puts you both in real danger? Yeah... Time for a brutal, flat chat about things.