By naesha - 17/03/2014 01:40 - United States - Jackson
naesha tells us more.
hey guys. Thanks for the positive comments. I guess she dididn't didn't realize I was his wife. Ib had twin a month ago and I brought them to the office. Here is when she sit down and decided to play with the boys. She went on to tell me about the affair & that shit is expecting. as for what I done I got up and left. I'm currently packing as I type.
Top comments
Dump that piece of shit on the side of the road!
Just hold on a second OP, do you know this woman well? Maybe she's the jealous or vengeful type who wants to get back at you or wants attention... Not really sure how you could strike up the same conversation topic again though..
She probably didn't know he had a wife. Maybe she did. Talk to her. AND TELL YOUR SHITBAG OF A HUSBAND TO **** HIMSELF
The op could totally have some revengeful fun with this, I'm under the impression he doesn't know his mistress is pregnant, she could talk to the mistress to see if she knew he had a wife and if she didn't know they could totally pull something off, he deserves to have something bad happen to him. (No, not Black Cadillac bad, just make him feel like shit and make sure he doesn't do it to another poor girl)
@18 Does it really matter? If the husband is unhappy with the marriage then he can file for a divorce. Cheating is never OK. Of course, OP needs to make absolutely sure this woman is telling the truth and not just saying stuff to break up a marriage. Unfortunately, that also happens.
Or he can talk to his wife, say he's unhappy, and ask what they can do to make it better. I'm so sorry, OP. This sucks beyond belief. If you want to stay in the marriage, he needs counseling. If not, I hope you can find an excellent attorney. I also hope you have a support system in place to help you through these tough times.
well OP did say that the woman did not know that OP was the wife.
She shouldnt be telling you this much personal information if she doesnt even know you well enough to know that your husband is him.
#18 the husband is still primarily to blame here. It's always the partner's fault for cheating. The person they cheat on with are no better if they know.
No one deserves to be cheated on, yet alone find out that way! Kick him to the curb and get a REAL man.
You deserve better. Any man who doesn't take you seriously enough to commit to you and you only is not worth your precious time. OP, GO FIND SOMEONE WHO IS!
Well said. OP, He may have put a ring on your finger but you can always take it off.
I hope for you that she is talking trash.
This must be so traumatizing ! Feel for you OP. If it is true it is Definitely time to walk away!!
F your and the woman's life! She has to have HIS baby!
It's what she deserves for being with him.
maybe she didn't know he was involved with anyone else, she might be as unknowing as op was.
16 - If he's good enough at lying to keep his wife completely in the dark that anything was going on, he's probably good enough at it to convince that woman that he's single. Even if he didn't, perhaps she's just a piece of trash who sleeps with married men and bought his whole spiel about how he's going to leave his wife and they'll be together. In that case, she likely played dumb but knew she was telling his wife, and was doing it solely to break up their marriage so she could marry him.
You're all just making assumptions and the husband probably just kept it a secret until it was too late
The FML clearly states the woman had no idea OP was the wife. So I would think the lady didn't know he was married at all.
36- it states that OP thought the woman didn't know. She could have known he had a wife, just not who the wife was. Or, as someone else suggested, maybe she did know and was just playing dumb. Don't assume anything from one sentence with no detail or clarification. I would love to hear a follow up from OP on this one!
Then why would she "confide"? I think the woman knew exactly who his wife was & he was probably stalling on ending it. Manipulation!!
43: That or she simply didn't find out until now.
Kick his sorry ass out tell her to take a hike too.
Well that's one way to find out...I sure hope you find someone who will not cheat on you...
Wait, how does the wife deserve this? What did she ever do? This is about her husband and his coworker, not her.

Dump that piece of shit on the side of the road!
You deserve better. Any man who doesn't take you seriously enough to commit to you and you only is not worth your precious time. OP, GO FIND SOMEONE WHO IS!