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About Emilythelost

Welcome. To. The Lost? Not even close. Yeah. Im young. But i probably know more then you do :-) its funny bc. some people are so stupid, and dont see that somones smarter ;-) Yeah. Im quiet. But i have my times. Im your bestfriend. Maybe :-) Hope i didnt make you yawn. && why are you here?**;;

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dblac74 tells us more.

Hey guys, im the OP lol. To clarify: Insanely hot chick next to me haha. Also I had a button up shirt, and initialy it was small enough not to matter, but the effin thing didnt stop growing haha. And for those who suggested it: No. Didnt get laid. Got a nickname at work though, "Jack in the box". ...once more for the record, FML.