By Thomas - 20/09/2010 07:16 - United States

By Thomas - 20/09/2010 07:16 - United States
By Flyier - 30/09/2017 04:30
By Anonymous - 18/12/2010 01:28 - Canada
By anonymous - 07/01/2011 20:21 - United States
By saltynutz20 - 07/04/2009 18:12 - United States
By legitweirdo - 08/01/2013 04:16 - United States - Brooklyn
By planes - 30/12/2009 06:27 - United States
By lindsay - 28/10/2019 00:01
By dickface - 28/03/2011 20:13 - Canada
By SexyPlayer9 - 24/07/2009 05:23 - United States
By GeorgiaBOYY - 04/01/2010 17:40 - United States
Did you enjoy the book? ;)
did you sit on him ?
What is wrong with getting an erection? Better than a flacid limp dick. i'm proud of my erections!
is it just me or is both 10 and 34 hot?
haha! that plane trip was so epic!
lol agreed 57
Better he jacks off than reading the Koran. That would have scared the hell out of me.
Mustve been HARD to be on the flight! ha get it?
its just frowned upon, like masterbating on an airplane
32/82: FFS, why would someone reading a Koran on an airplane be scary? Let's analyze this for a moment: A) Very few Muslims are terrorists. B) Reading the Koran is not necessarily evidence that someone is Muslim, anyway; people of many religions (including atheists) read it. And the biggest, C) Would a terrorist really bring along and openly read a Koran on an airplane?! With security and traveller paranoia being the way it is now, I can't really see that happening. Honestly, you may as well say seeing a white guy reading a Bible or driving a van is scary. Ever heard of Timothy McVeigh? -.-
awesome cat fellow hangover fan =D
134 Jane - Agreed, but one thing, I can't find a GOOD reason that an athiest would read the Qua'ran... Only for studies and/or other things. Also, why would any other religion read the holy book of some other religion?
Did you switch seats? That would have freaked me out!
I don't think a guy could get an erection while sitting next to you anyway.
yer a dude right? ya? just checking. no but serious, what a perv.....
if op is a guy, both of you can actually read together? lol
read with him or just ignore him! it's normal for guys maybe..
maybe it is normal but it's still gross
No it is most certainly not normal for guys to do this ?
haha that sucks.. at least he wasn't reading the Kama Sutra and contorting himself into various positions with wood.
I would of just watched **** on my phone...
*would have
I doubt jeZuss would really, because he'd have had to go to the effort of downloading it as internet devices aren't allowed to be used on planes. He doesn't strike me as the type to put so much thought into something. Ah well, OP, at least it's over now.
Maybe it's just the two planes I was on recently that said 'no internet usage during flight', but I thought that was a fairly common thing.
your clearly unintelligible of some airlines policies. Know your facts before grouping everything into one ignorant comment.
*you're. And was that aimed at me or Zoro?
*facepalm* that was entirely the point in my first post.
I see what you did there...
or he could have already save it on his phone so he can watch without Internet
Do some people even read the comments they reply to?
That is true, but I was referring to people who seem to be trying to correct someone by repeating what they said and therefore just making themselves look silly.
hmmm pedophiles
Says the ****** hugging Justin Bieber...
haha owned
says the dude hugging justin bieber...
moderated for saying ******? That's queer.
when you land remember to...... hide yo kids, hide yo wife, and hide your husband coz they're rapin' errbody out there!
Did you enjoy the book? ;)