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By Anonymous - 17/09/2010 06:57 - Australia

Today, whilst at my awards night, I got a boner, right as it was my turn to accept my award. To avoid a awkward situation, I flipped it up and under my belt. This failed to make the situation any less awkward, because the head of my penis poked out through my shirt, in plain view of the audience. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 562
You deserved it 43 388

dblac74 tells us more.

Hey guys, im the OP lol. To clarify: Insanely hot chick next to me haha. Also I had a button up shirt, and initialy it was small enough not to matter, but the effin thing didnt stop growing haha. And for those who suggested it: No. Didnt get laid. Got a nickname at work though, "Jack in the box". ...once more for the record, FML.

Top comments

haha you deserve it for wearing shirts that don't fit. Also, you should have just gone with the hand in pocket, pull to the side method. The tuck up was recipe for disaster from the beginning.

Mere155 0

Let them see it nd it's like ur penis got an award


zerobahamut03 2

Omg how horrible! I'm sorry op. damn those random bones!

You'll need a STIFF drink after that one, haahaahaa.

ah! omg, OP.. FYL. I can't even imagine how embarrassing that must've been. :(

kaijapapaya 0

How is that embarassing? I'm not ashamed of my bonners, quite the oposite!

cantfightfate 0

and his profile says he has an iq of 167. haha bonners.


oposite? god this guy doesn't know how to spell...

MissErikaHart 0

what kind of shirt was op wearing..? I can only imagine his thing popping thru between sum buttons

Oh, this FML is hilarious! FAVOURITED!!!!! :-)

36, he must have put a 1 in front by mistake, making it 67- making him mildly mentally retarded. JK, everyone makes mistakes, im a terrible speller. :-)

Having a high IQ doesn't necessarily mean you are good at spelling. having said that, I don't believe his score of 167 is accurate... OP, you shouldn't complain because there are soooooo many guys that would kill to have a dick big enough to do that lol.

I'll bet 46 gets a lot of standing ovations :)

Well OP at least you gave everybody a hard time.

snagglepaste 0
yazmi_09 3
dbjb40 0

lucky I don't have a penis so I don't know what it's like :P

tweetbaby14 18

Peek-a-Boo! OP's penis sees you!

The real question is WTF is getting an award turning you on for!?

I never understood why people do this. It can frequently cause very serious accidents.

fmluser57 0

oh my gosh! how painfully awkward I'm sorry :(

it mustve been HARD to win your award! ha!

Marikamaria 3

ahaha! :D im glad that im a woman, dont have that problem. :D

jitterbug25 0
Mere155 0

Let them see it nd it's like ur penis got an award

lol maybe it's the woody awards get it ahaha what?

DudeImBetter 0

what does being a gluttunous queen mean? does it mean you're a fatass cause that's pretty much what gluttony means.

@121 It means you're probably narcissistic and mean.

MetalFish 0

she has a big set of melons on her though. I'm siding with the lady on this one, power of boobs pwns all

xundria 5

121: gluttony does not mean being fat, it means greed.

Gluttony does not mean fat but it is a type of greed for food and eating. If I remember....

MissErikaHart 0

gluttony means excessive, careless kinda, sorta. like if u spend hella money on silly crap u could say she spent her money gluttonously

dickster 0

Are you kidding me? Gluttony is the act of hoarding food and taking excess of what is necessary. Her name is she is a queen that takes too much food for herself. You CANNOT spend money gluttonously, moron.

banananut 0

115, i thought it was humorous.

Echem, that word just basically means trying to take something as much as they can. any type of thing.. Like sex, or drugs, or love Or food.

hahaah, you totally deserve ittt. sucks for you thoughh. think things through next time

DarkWaffle 0

^everyone who says YDI clearly doesnt understand us guys or our random erections.

adare 0

I freaking love that song. how could I say no she's got a love like woe

badkid91 11

I don't think he got a boner on purpose......

lol rasta colored bikini. +6 for awsomeness

ashhh42 0

don't be jealous 75. saying she's hot just means that she looks good (which she does). anything that you connect in your mind makes you have a dirty mind. if they were to say she was ugly, then you'd be something like "you guys are ass holes". so don't hate and get your mid out of the gutter.

cantfightfate 0

hey facial expression goes with her name. haha :) and that is a badass bathing suit.

haha, nothing, I was just surprised my friend was taking a picture I guesss

there better damn well be a computer in ur kitchen and where's my samdwhich

yeah I can use google images too. well done guys

haha you deserve it for wearing shirts that don't fit. Also, you should have just gone with the hand in pocket, pull to the side method. The tuck up was recipe for disaster from the beginning.

takeapieandrun 9

^This. unless you had an 8+ inch penis, it should work

And considering the average is around 5-6...

obviously he's not 5-6 in being it was poking out if his pants. I would imagine he isnt dressed in cloths hanging off his ass- he's getting an award in front of a ton of people.

MetalFish 0

the average is 3-5 actually. yep, just made alot of guys on this website smug/suicidal

65- You never know. I've seen some pretty outrageous outfits for awards ceremonies... 94- You're so cruel. But funny.

MetalFish 0

let's face it, if your penis is smaller than 3 inches, you might as well not bother xd

5.5, buddy. I'd say you have a problem.

CableX17 0
tanner11111 0

6 in. bitches lol, I don't think the average is 3-5 cuz even four is really small, gott be 5-6

meowmeowwkitty 0

I would think hand-in-pocket method would draw attention.... but I wouldn't know I'm not a dude.

three?!?! holy shit if half the dicks out there are smaller than four, I'm gonna quit dating.

i had no idea there was **** at award shows:o i wonder if your family was there..

Bigdanish9785 3

Random stiffies man...happens to everybody

well then, be happy it made it that far. I'm calling this a WIN. Unless it's only like 2 inches to your stomach from your junk...

kportal69 5

hahah! f***! thats social suicide right there!

lickmyjock 0

haha should of seen that coming. next time just roll wit it. no shame in wood.

With a name like lickmyjock, I am not surprised you said that.