Bad boy

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my 2 year-old son decided to pee on the dog for the second day in a row. I'm afraid this will turn into a routine thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 268
You deserved it 5 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i hope the dog learns to defend itself and bite off the kids little weiner...

awe it's your job to train your kid haha poor dog :(


ohthebloodygore 16

101, you didn't address my whole comment. What if hitting doesn't work? It doesn't always. I'm simply saying OP shouldn't be called a bad parent unless OP did/has done nothing to prevent this from happening. Sometimes hitting and scolding don't work.

There's another little trick, it's called "I'm not talking to you unless you say you're sorry and promise not to do it again". This works on little kids, they're scared shitless when their parents stop paying any attention to them for a while.

franwins0827 7

He's asserting dominance! BAHAHAHAHA!!!

How about actually disciplining your child then, rather than just telling him "don't do that".

andjnicole19 0

where are your son's diapers?!

Mourningstar 4

Don't worry, I did the same thing just to see the look on my moms face. He should grow out of it in 8 or 10 years! Lol, kidding

pennamay 11

Umm. I'm thinking it's called punishment. Stand him in the corner or spank him. Spare the rod; spoil the child.

one day the dog will get tired of it and give him a little nip if the op cant get her own child under control three rules dont mess with a slleeping dog, dont mess with an eating dog and dont pee on a dog. lol

The dog will strike back, it's only a matter of time. Probably while the child is sleeping.