Birthday Girl

By Anonymous - 14/05/2009 17:43 - United States

Today, it's my birthday. I got just three calls all day. The first one was my fiancé, saying he wanted his ring back. The second one was my best friend, confessing to me that she had been sleeping with my fiancé for the past three months. The third was the dentist's office, to sing me a happy birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 413 735
You deserved it 21 852

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xyzstephzyx 0

best friend...? Yeah, right. punch her in the mouth, that *****. happy birthday!

Aetius_fml 0

At least you have a cool dentist


wh0regasm 0

I'm sorry :[ Happy birthday!!

WTF?! SHE'S A ****!!! How could she do something like that, omg that's so decieving. KICK HER ASS! And, pawn that ******* engagement ring. He gave it to you so you should ******* keep it!

Ibeapirate 0

Keep the ring. Happy birthday to you, right? I think you earned that much, at least. Buy some rum and go somewhere tropical.

FYL. If he broke off the engagement, and if the ring isn't a family heirloom, then I don't think you have any legal obligation to return it. Tell him and your "friend" to go **** themselves, sell the ring, and have a good time with the money (I'd check with a lawyer about the ring, just to be sure). And that was very thoughtful of the dentist.

shadow_duv 0

kinda funny that the dentist was the only one that remembered, but still probably a horrible day. Happy birthday anyways

Keep the ring, there are laws that see the ring as an ‘agreement’ to being faithful and always with you. Should the male breech that agreement you have all rights to keep the ring and do what you want with it. Had it been you who breeched the agreement you would have to return it. The only loop hole is if the ring is an heirloom. Other than that, don’t give that SOB the ring, do what you wish with it. It’s a good thing you found this out before you’re married, your ‘best friend’ and fiancé are trash that you can clean out of your life- so really it is a gift on your birthday that these people are cleaned out of your life. Take care of yourself and always look on the bright side.

wow funny, today is my birthday too and it also sucked! No one remembered, pretty much. FOr the past couple of years, my birthdays have just come and go. Just like ordinary days. Maybe worse. I guess birthdays are just a day though, really. Happy Birthday.

DON'T GIVE THE RING BACK! Sell it and go on vacation and laugh in his face if he complains. And don't even bother with your so-called friend. With friends like that, you don't need enemies. Ditch her and spend time with the people who matter.

lolbitch 0

Happy B-day!! You shouldn't give the ring back and you should pawn it off or you should flush it down the toilet. After that you should go get a new friend and a new bf.

rihannalover 0

fake i really don't think this would happen, ESPECIALLY ON YOUR BIRTHDAY/ALL THREE CALLS WERE SAME DAY, and i don't think your fiancee and best friend would do it over the phone... i don't believe it.