Close call

By MC - 14/05/2009 14:11 - Canada

Today, while working at a children's day camp, one of the kids who is allergic to peanuts went into anaphylactic shock. I ran and grabbed the boy's Epipen. I was holding it backwards so the injection went into my hand, causing me to pass out, and both of us to be rushed to hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 629
You deserved it 56 831

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kellster 2

Not panicking is a good thing. Also, paying attention during the first aid training. And it's "epi pen", for the record.

Too bad you can't spell anything else....


I'm sure someone has already pointed this out, but I'm too lazy to read 155 comments individually but I gotta say, do you have any idea what an epi pen does? it administers a dose of epinephrine (or adrenaline) so... if anything you'd be on an adrenaline rush, you wouldn't pass out

olipoli2012 0

same thing happened to me, i stabbed my thumb with it but was no where near passing out, just got a little freaked out. also hut like hell

brittahnayy 0

Anyone who said he deserved that or was being stupid can **** off. I think it's good you tried to help, and that sucks that that happened >.>

bedspring_kiss54 0

I use an EpiPen, but it's shockingly common how many times this happens. I've seen it happen before. Next time, don't touch the grey cap. :)

Fyl, how dare these losers here say YDI. It's a stressfull situation, and you were trying to help but got kind of screwed yourself.

lol... i dunno, it's a stressful situation but i've had so much training i don't think i would stab myself. still FYL though.

First rule of Epi pen use is that you hold it around the middle so that can't happen.

**** his life, you'd be in a lot worse condition if something serious happened to that kid all because you can't use a freaking needle.

FrayedxD 0

Wow mate you are a complete moron. You could've killed that kid, not to mention the harm you did to yourself. That's just irresponsible and negligent. Get better. -FrayedxD