Family guy

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff

Today, I went to my stepdad's funeral. He was the most important person in my life, but it didn't stop my stepsister angrily saying, "Why are you crying? He wasn't even your real dad." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 973
You deserved it 1 337

Top comments

I get that she's upset and all, but what a bitchy thing to say! There's more to being a dad than being a sperm donor. So probably a real dad in any sense of it. Sorry for your loss as OP.

My stepdad raised my sister and me, so I completely understand. Our biological father has such a minor role in our lives that he's obsolete. My stepdad is my Dad. I'm sorry for your loss.


Your step sister sounds like a complete bitch. Sorry for your loss, family isn't just DNA, family is also people you care about and love.

Rather than taking on her, it sounds a bit like jealousy to me. Either way, sorry for your loss OP.

how long was he you dad if you don't mind if I ask

That's got nothing to do with the FML, and isn't really your 'business'.

that why I put if you don't mind or something like that

JMichael 25

I'm sorry for your loss OP. I can't imagine losing my stepdad. He stepped up and became the father my sperm donor will never be. Your sister may be upset, but it doesn't excuse her comment. Hopefully she'll realize that soon.

OP, please take solace that some people grieve by getting angry. Try to forgive her as you move through your grief as retaliation will only worsen things for you both. Deepest condolences.

TeacherTeacher 11

Grieving people say stupid things. Give her a pass this time. I'm very sorry for your loss.

Sorry for your loss. It would've taken a lot for me not to hit her, or at least say something equally vile back. If your form a venting was putting it here, than you're better than most OP. Hopefully she apologizes whenshe calms down.

harleyivy 7

I know she was upset but come on. so if my grandmother died, I'm not allowed to cry because she wasn't my mother? Are the other relatives not allowed either. I know she was upset, but that doesn't excuse what she said.

There was a man I refer to as my "honorary grandpa." He was a friend of my grandmother's; my grandfather died before I was born, so my honorary grandpa filled that role. While my honorary grandpa was in love with my grandmother, whether she reciprocated is unknown so he wasn't even related to me by marriage. Did that matter to me? Hell no. Did I cry when he died? Hell yes. If someone told me not to cry because he "wasn't my real grandpa," you would have to physically separate me from them.

rapunzel13 11

There are different ways to grieving, some deal with it with anger and though yes this doesn't excuse such a rude comment, she most likely isnt thinking about politeness, only what she's feeling... Hopefully she will make it up to OP and they can get through this together

I don't usually advocate starting a fight at a funeral, but I would encourage it in this case. I'm sorry for your loss.