Family guy

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff

Today, I went to my stepdad's funeral. He was the most important person in my life, but it didn't stop my stepsister angrily saying, "Why are you crying? He wasn't even your real dad." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 973
You deserved it 1 337

Top comments

I get that she's upset and all, but what a bitchy thing to say! There's more to being a dad than being a sperm donor. So probably a real dad in any sense of it. Sorry for your loss as OP.

My stepdad raised my sister and me, so I completely understand. Our biological father has such a minor role in our lives that he's obsolete. My stepdad is my Dad. I'm sorry for your loss.


Anyone who can't recognize someone in this case your step dad stepping up and being an "important" person in your life as well as hers doesn't deserve to have it

People say stupid stuff when they are in grief! Hopefully she will later apologize.

That was just hurtful and heartless. if he meant that little to her, why was she even there? wait, let me provide moral support (yes, sarcasm).

clearly, he DID mean a great deal to her and she is lashing out in anger because of the pain/grief.

You're more of a legacy of his life than she is. Sure she might be upset but that was just cold. Sorry for your loss, don't worry about her, just do the man proud :-)

My step mom and step dad are the nicest people and I don't know what I'd do if I lost them. I know both of them will be there for me always and it's a blessing to have them in my life. I couldn't imagine someone saying something that rude to me at their funerals. I'd punch them in the face.

Props to you for being so strong, I would have nailed her in the face. Sorry for your loss OP, I hope there is no negative feelings between your and your step sister.

Dads are those that love you and raise you, not the ones that beget you. Sorry for your loss, OP.

wow, not sure what crawled up her ass. sorry OP! losing someone so close in your life really sucks. your step-sister doesn't seem to get the fact a dad is someone who raised you, not someone who made you. feel better!

He may not have been your real father, but it definitely appears he was your real dad. Sorry for your loss OP, stay strong.