Fuel to the fire

By Why? - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Saint Charles

Today, our dog died. My daughter was really upset about it, so my husband tried to cheer her up by saying, "At least she will be doing something that she liked forever: Sleeping!" My daughter continued to cry for half an hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 272
You deserved it 2 090

Top comments

Haha, lucky for me, my parents never tried to cheer me up about pets when I was a kid. As a matter of fact, all my pets went off to live at farms, and none of them actually—oh. Wait…


saraaa2552 15

I don't see what's so mean about that lol

It's the way the father phrased it. There are other ways to make a child feel better after a loss rather than so candidly.

Actually, I don't see what's so mean about the phrasing either. It's just the same as telling a child that grandma has gone to heaven. He tried to lessen the pain by making it sound as if the dog is much better off dead. at least he's doing something he likes. The father tried, I'm sure nothing he said would have lessened the poor girl's pain of losing her pet

sylvienoir 18

He gets a silver star for trying.

I don't really see anything wrong with what he said. She loved the dog, chances are she as gonna cry for more than half an hour anyway.

Some people aren't good with emotion. I think he did a good job in trying.

I think he handled that well. I mean sleeping is awesome!

Haha, lucky for me, my parents never tried to cheer me up about pets when I was a kid. As a matter of fact, all my pets went off to live at farms, and none of them actually—oh. Wait…

UhHuhHoney 20

Then he said what has 4 legs and is not alive? The kid responded a chair dad said no your dog