Get me out of here

By seekerglow176 - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Natick

Today, I had to go to the emergency room with my sister, due to involuntary muscle spasms she was having. They gave her a muscle relaxer which caused her to be extremely tired and loopy. She decided to start singing loudly with a song she made up about buttfucking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 585
You deserved it 5 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Damn, I would've busted out Comfortably Numb...

nattynatters 14

I honestly want to know the lyrics. Must be inspirational.

JessiKitty_lol 7

I hope you recorded it and uploaded it to YouTube xD

lincolnkite 6

The new David after the dentist.

perdix 29

It was probably better than "Mata Fata Gentle Man!"

Anything is beter than that...even Gangnam Style.

perdix 29

Yes, right up HerTube. The muscle relaxers will sure help;)