Great job

By onlyme - 23/05/2009 05:15 - United States

Today, I was lining a soccer field. I had the entire grid laid out, so I began to paint with a handheld cart. I finished the entire field without looking back once. I forgot to put paint in the cart. I walked around a field for an hour painting with air. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 162
You deserved it 64 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Must have been hilarious for someone watching xD

Seriously though you would of noticed when you went to mark the centre spot and the boxes. This is complete BS! LIAR!


Now you can charge people to have a look at the world's first airbrushed soccer field!

burtonboard97 0

This can't be true. Whatever version of football you were lining for, they will cross...think anyone would notice then

I agree with #5 and #6... come one, you're walking around. You should have noticed something went wrong a lot earlier...

Always check for the paint can. Lol. YDI

ahaha YDI and FYL, cuz u gotta remember things XD but still... we all make mistakes :P

christie_fml 0

well look at it this way: EXERCISE!!! art thou refreshed?