Not bothered

By Username - 08/02/2011 16:57 - United States

Today, I wanted to propose to my girlfriend, so I bought M&M's which I had customized with the words "Will you marry me?" on them. She ate them all without reading them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 863
You deserved it 15 339

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why didn't you tell her to look at them??!!

vyvianpenniman 0

The fortune cookies are niftier.


Awwww that's sweet but you can't really blame her.

Imagirll 3

thats your fault. who reads m&m's. usually they say M so why read them? unless they are special ones, but that's a waste. Propose traditionally.

Seriously THAT was your proposal idea?! Be glad she ate them without reading first, or she'd have said no for sure,. god that had to be almost as lame as proposing at mcdonald's

My proposal idea is to find a woman and ask her to marry me. Job done.

gusgus36 5

maybe not the most well-thought out proposal...

well I think it was a sweet unique gesture

That has to be the dumbest idea I've ever heard... Also, the words would be so tiny... Nice job wasting money op..

It's kinda cute... but seriously: Is your girl fat? - Just asking because I got this amazing picture in my head of a very fat lady munching M&M's very manically.

dolly911 0

Wow!! That Suckssss!! Good Luck Next Time!! (: