Not FDA approved

By Anonymous - 19/03/2024 14:00 - United States

Today, I have to fill in a (now former) co-worker's shifts for the next few weeks. She took two of those shady energy pills and downed them with root beer during her shift, causing her to pass out, and landing her in the hospital. Why do we sell these things, and why haven't they been outlawed? FML
I agree, your life sucks 407
You deserved it 77

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sucks for you, sucks for her, sucks for your employer. Some companies do anything for a buck, and care not for the consequences or who it destroys

tiptoppc 19

Because anything not classified as medicine or claims to cure or treat conditions, is not regulated by the FDA. It’s a legal grey area. It’s how things like CBD, Delta-#, and Kratom are allowed, despite some having had ill effects on society ( many times it’s due to contamination, not the active compound itself) Bath Salts at one time were legal. Then some idiot in Florida ate another idiots face and we found out it was a street legal form of Meth.


sucks for you, sucks for her, sucks for your employer. Some companies do anything for a buck, and care not for the consequences or who it destroys

tiptoppc 19

Because anything not classified as medicine or claims to cure or treat conditions, is not regulated by the FDA. It’s a legal grey area. It’s how things like CBD, Delta-#, and Kratom are allowed, despite some having had ill effects on society ( many times it’s due to contamination, not the active compound itself) Bath Salts at one time were legal. Then some idiot in Florida ate another idiots face and we found out it was a street legal form of Meth.