One step beyond

By Go vegan! - 06/04/2024 15:00 - United States

Today, I realized I've become a stereotypical militant vegan when I told a friend that we should start raising Lone Star ticks and dropping them around town so we could spread meat allergies and force people to eat vegan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59
You deserved it 1 242

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're not a militant vegan, you're a ******* psychopath. Seek help. Urgently.

Why can’t vegans let other people eat what they want in peace? Vegans that are food nazis need to **** right off and mind their own damn business, you included. Asshole.


Wadlaen 23

I agree your life sucks, mainly because of your convictions...

You're not a militant vegan, you're a ******* psychopath. Seek help. Urgently.

Why can’t vegans let other people eat what they want in peace? Vegans that are food nazis need to **** right off and mind their own damn business, you included. Asshole.

L0life29 6

you’re one the reasons this god damn country is going to shit

tiptoppc 19

And OP is the reason plants are going to shit..

jlc82 4

sounds like a great idea...potentially causing sickness in the animals you claim to love so much

Also note that the resulting allergy is only to mammalian meat, which contains alpha galactose. You can eat as much chicken and fish as you want. Dumbass.