
By Coolkid. - 14/06/2009 17:53 - United States

Today, I was accidentally tagged in a photo of a group of people by a 'friend' on Facebook. She later corrected it, apparently everyone had already seen the tag and decided that the comment box below was a great opportunity to discuss how none of them would ever be caught dead hanging out with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 685
You deserved it 3 921

Same thing different taste

Top comments


@#12: I do that all the time. If they have the same first name and the tagger just hit enter as soon as one popped up, it's easy to do. You have to make sure you click on the right friend's name, or else it will default the first person that shows up.

more of a fucktherelife, how immature is low life of them to do that.

bosco_kk 0

They mistagged me once, but we ended up loling about it. I guess your facebook friends aren't your friends in real life. FYL And get better friends.

What are you? 12? Who publicly actually get together and tell each other how they'd rather die than be seen with another person?

but it was an actual photo of you? i'm confused. if it was, this is why we're careful when there are cameras around, sweetie. i don't get why your friends would be so rude as to actually say that kind of thing (usually people just think it?), OR why they'd express any surprise, assuming your friends already know what you look like. and if it wasn't a photo of you, then why would it matter? i don't think people are that stupid. this fml makes no sense imo.

kc2_fml 0

Your freinds are right... I wouldn't be caught dead with you either

#61- the whole point is she wasn;t in the photo, thats why she was accidently tagged honestly, i don't understand how some people get through life when they're not even clever enough to understand an fml.

Facebook has a real potential, to be a cruel kids playground. Use with caution. And delete all the so called friends, associated with this incidence. Keep your profile on private.

CherishFlowers 0

#67, you can. http://www.fmylife.com/work/867771