Overreaction much?

By soljaboy - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had a date with this guy. I waited at the restaurant for an hour and he didn't show. Thinking he stood me up, I went over to his place and keyed his car. Then I realized the date was for tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 171
You deserved it 154 401

Top comments

vag_fml 0

you key over being stood up? you're that desperate and drastic? you shoulda just found someone else, instead you turned into a raving lunatic criminal.

You're a loony. But, deny deny deny anyway.


Anajox 0

Totally agree with that rest of the commenters - you are a huge bitch. The fact that you admitted it on this site (or anywhere) without a sense of regret in your post is even worse. You should be ashamed.

omg. you crazy ******* bitch. This is an fhl not an fyl...my god you need help you overdramatic crazy

Name is soljaboy. That's a FML in itself.

sondramcfail 0
im_sexy_baby 0

I hate girls like you your one of those crazy girlfriends pike one that would key a guys car if it was the first date and more like FHL

ErikaBaby 0

wow what a pointless and regretable thing to do. what if you found out he got in a car accident with a friend, wouldnt you feel like sht. or what if his phone died and something bad had gone down. can you learn to think before you act please before someone attacks you for being quick to jump to conclusions

You should ******* die. I HATE people who key cars, its the lowest and most immature thing a person can do. I hope he never talks to you again and you get raped by a homeless guy.

Youre crazy :| You def. deserved it, he shoulda caught you Why would you even do that?

ErikaBaby 0

#72 "dont breed please" omg lmfao if yo dont mind i might have to use this in my personal life often because it makes me so happy to think of moments i would use it (: