Overreaction much?

By soljaboy - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had a date with this guy. I waited at the restaurant for an hour and he didn't show. Thinking he stood me up, I went over to his place and keyed his car. Then I realized the date was for tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 171
You deserved it 154 401

Top comments

vag_fml 0

you key over being stood up? you're that desperate and drastic? you shoulda just found someone else, instead you turned into a raving lunatic criminal.

You're a loony. But, deny deny deny anyway.


falloutgurl517 0

this is how MY conversation would've gone.... "dude, my car got keyed last night!" "OH MY GOD! No way?! I wonder why someone did that!" but then again, thats just me

you're a freakin nutjob....glad I don't have to worry about dating you.

maybe you should have put/checked it on the calendar before you were going to the restaurant?

YouGotJizzed 0

Hopefully he doesn't find out...

xoxcassandraaxox 0

Wait... did you key your name into it? God, you're an idiot...

You're a stupid bitch, clearly you don't even deserve to be in public with sane people.

payden 0

I hope you read these comments and realize that your life does indeed suck. LOL great stuff.

TheLizardKing 0

With a name like soljaboy, ydi definitly

You need anger management... Even if he had stood you up, that's no reason to vandalize someone's personal property. How childish.

Sleepwalker418 0

You're ******* crazy. You keyed your date's car for standing you up? Don't breed. Please.