Overreaction much?

By soljaboy - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had a date with this guy. I waited at the restaurant for an hour and he didn't show. Thinking he stood me up, I went over to his place and keyed his car. Then I realized the date was for tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 171
You deserved it 154 401

Top comments

vag_fml 0

you key over being stood up? you're that desperate and drastic? you shoulda just found someone else, instead you turned into a raving lunatic criminal.

You're a loony. But, deny deny deny anyway.


Jimbo2000 0

Its called a calender, learn to use one

Wow, you are a freakin' psycho! Have you ever killed anyone?

NO MORE WIRE HANGERS!! YDI you crazy ****.

fckaduck 0

YDI...he didn't though. Crazy ass.

irishlassie731 0
Ariel09 0

More like FHL, crazy psycho...

elsieenchanted 0

1) How did you forget the day of the date? I allways remember days of dates. :| You obviously didn't care much, did you? 2) All that [Even though he didn't] because a guy stood you up? 3) Why would you do that? Even if the guy did stand you up... 4) You are one crazy person. - Over all, YDI. :D