Pish yerself

By breyn - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while working at my salon, I was cutting an older gentleman's hair. When he got up to leave, everyone noticed he had clearly pissed his pants. I felt bad for him until he laughed and said, "Here's your tip, have fun cleaning that up." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 035
You deserved it 2 515

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah well guess who's getting a bad hair cut next time he comes in? FYL indeed OP.

That's disgusting and rude. Sorry you had to clean that up, OP!


Think of it like this: the man was embarrassed and wanted to seem like an asshole who meant wet himself rather than an old man with a weak bladder.

I feel for you. Such an inconsiderate jerk of a customer

Sounds like my grandpa ... What an asshole!

skyeyez9 24

Can you refuse to cut that pig's hair the next time he walks in? Seems like a valid reason.

At least you got a tip for having to deal with the mess. But that WAS rude of him, for his benefit he should have just pretended he didn't notice and just give you a tip out if elderly kindness.

Helldemon 32

I think he was saying the piss was a tip and OP didn't actually get a money tip but idk.

aliciagentry 8

Saying that was probably a defense mechanism so he wouldn't feel embarrassed.