Pish yerself

By breyn - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while working at my salon, I was cutting an older gentleman's hair. When he got up to leave, everyone noticed he had clearly pissed his pants. I felt bad for him until he laughed and said, "Here's your tip, have fun cleaning that up." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 035
You deserved it 2 515

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah well guess who's getting a bad hair cut next time he comes in? FYL indeed OP.

That's disgusting and rude. Sorry you had to clean that up, OP!


Well, it looks like it's time for a lunch break

Next time he is in for a trim... cut his throat.

How can anyone put YDI for this? the guy the pissed himself is a dick!

quats17 15

I feel bad for the next person....

AnonymousUser90 21

That's hilarious. It isn't but the fact that it didn't happen to me makes it hilarious. Had an elderly man leave a trail of poop from Tim Horton's entrance to bathroom stall once. Manager was trying to bribe employees to clean it and ended up doing it himself. Those were the good ol' days