Quick, hide!

By Mattyboy - 24/08/2009 09:57 - United States

Today, I was making out with my girlfriend at her house. When things started heating up, I heard the front door open and my girlfriend said that it must be her Dad. She handed me my clothes, pushed me out the window, and told me to knock at the front door. Her Dad answered, holding my shoes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 931
You deserved it 18 641

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WHY would you do that anyway? Wouldn't it be a little suspicious for her dad to come home and then you immediately knock on the door afterward? YDI

dayrin7 4

" hey i was loooking for that!" lmfaooo


thatguy83 0

that's why I wear flippy floppies!!!!

hastain 0

You deserved it for having shoes.

julyahxoh 0

your my hero. lmao k, but that is a prety amazing story.

sven_sven 0

Haha! That's funny! You are never allowed there again are you?

bahahahahahaha awkward much so wat happened then??

pfff lol thats kinda funny. sorry but it is.

djzkibipony 0