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By fmlfmlfml - 02/06/2009 18:03 - United States

Today, I was taking a nap. Apparently, my two year old daughter decided to crawl on top of the covers on my bed because she was scared since there was a thunderstorm. I thought she was one of our cats so I kicked her off. She hit the wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 96 947
You deserved it 251 942

Same thing different taste

Top comments

truslide 0

LMAO must have been a hard kick to do that and even then, why the hell would you kick a cat that hard?

I don't think your child will be crawling in your bed anymore for a while... if ever.


Why would it have been ok if it was a cat?!

Guess she found out thunderstorms *aren't* that fucken scary after all.

Wtf. This is wrong is so many ways. What is your problem?!?!

LOL... omg... that's funny and sad, all at the same time. I hope she forgives you!

Thats awful - but rather funny, be sure to tell her this story when shes in her teens! xD

skinny_love 0

You're either a lying asshole or a very violent asshole who had an unfortunate childhood. Go you.

That must have one righteous kick to be propelled off the bed and against the wall... Ouch

midnighthammers 0

Today, I was scared of the thunderstorms so I went into my mom's bed. I don't know what's worse: the fact that my mom kicked me off into the wall or she thinks I'm a cat. Fml.

meddude 0

ok, it's unlikely this is real. you'd be tracked by the government way too fast and DCFS would be kicking down your door. also, if it's real, who the **** would post that on this site? you should take her to the doctor, you ******* ridiculous excuse for a mother.