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By fmlfmlfml - 02/06/2009 18:03 - United States

Today, I was taking a nap. Apparently, my two year old daughter decided to crawl on top of the covers on my bed because she was scared since there was a thunderstorm. I thought she was one of our cats so I kicked her off. She hit the wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 96 947
You deserved it 251 942

Same thing different taste

Top comments

truslide 0

LMAO must have been a hard kick to do that and even then, why the hell would you kick a cat that hard?

I don't think your child will be crawling in your bed anymore for a while... if ever.


Chaith 16

Stop denouncing her as a Mother and try to hide the crazy a little better.

tushu 0

Animal abuser. You would just kick ur Cat off ur bed

I can understand the mistake, which I won't blame you for. However, you kicked a 2 year old hard enough to slam her into a wall, that may have killed a cat outright. What the hell is wrong with you? You can push a cat off of you gently, and they will leave. Kicking an animal against a wall is absolutely abusive, and you shouldn't own cats. Poor kid, and poor cats.

Why would you kick your cat anyway?? MAJOR YDI.

how can u be so aggressive to cats anyway??!! thats not cool for your kid either..FYL

suckstobeyou3 0

so if it was a cat you would have been okay with? you're a horrible person. **** the kid's and the cats' lives for having to live with such awful people.

Your a dumbass!!! 1. I am pretty sure kicking a cat THAT ******* HARD is ******* animal abuse. 2. fat cat much? 3. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!?? At least look what your kicking at and you should be able to tell it was your own ******* daughter. You Totally ******* Deserve This! But your daughter doesn't, I hope she hates you forever and clings to her dad the rest of her life. She'd be better off.

equastriangirl 0

u ******* idiot why would u kick ure cat (or kid) into a wall? and 22 alot of kids are afraid of thunder

how could you be so aggressive to your cat?? it sucks for your kid too.. FYL