
By TRAMATIZED - 08/09/2009 22:08 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend decided it would be hot to get it on in the gym storage room at school. Apparently so did my Chemistry and Drama teachers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 251
You deserved it 7 630

Same thing different taste


Kids really do that at school. I hooked up with someone In the school restroom.

I would never be able to look at my teachers the same way again

can any one say blackmail if u tell there boss they will be fired and have charges pressed on them

what a *****. as if u would put out at school.

bbircymme 0

didn't that happen in Mean Girls? hm

hahaha what funny is that it sounds like the teacher want to screw each other as well in the closet ! foursome anyone???


they must have chemestry don't be so dramatic

carmilla15 0

this is probably fake, but think before you be a *****.