
By pyrosythan - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, my girlfriend's dad chased me with a baseball bat because he found a pair of my boxers in her room. They were not there because I left them there, they were there because she stole them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 001
You deserved it 3 255

Top comments

Taydiane 0

Better then mine, marine sniper, he showed all his guns and target practices to my now fiance, then waited for us to get home. we were 5 mins later and my dad cocked the pistol and told him that he had 5 mins to get off the property my fiance actually shit himself for it too.

zidane312 0

Sucks for you, I guess she wanted a trophy of your amazing performance?


dude ik how you feel my ex gfs dad was a psycho too

Not to mention his girlfriend is a little creepy. Stole his boxers?? WTF?

meeeep 0

she probably wanted to wear them. a lot of girls wear their boyfriends clothing.

i can understand that girls want to wear their boys clothes, but i mean boxers?... wft? i was completely fine with his hoodie. and how sick the girl has to be to steal her guys boxers?... i'd say very.

I dont think it's sick.. My old roommate used to wear her bf's boxers and basketball shorts home whenever she slept @ his place, and loved them bc they are quite comfortable..

I used too wear my bf's boxers till my mom found them and that was the end...I also used too wear his muscle shirt when I got wet and his shirt was dry and I used too wear his Sasuke shirt...for a test I would wear his coat, shirt, ring, and boxers too give me luck XD OH I also wear his ring, and his coat :D

My girlfriend wears my hoodies, t shirts, anddd boxers. its not that weird.

kimstarrr 0

i wear my boyfriends boxers. its usually when i'm over there with no pajamas and we want to take a nap. its not weird at all. they are really comfy. xD

okay i get it, they're extremely comfortable! even i wear boxers, and i'm a girl. the point of the FML is that she STOLE his boxers. He didn't leave them behind, SHE TOOK THEM. thats creepy. whose to say she doesn't sniff them? lol.

zidane312 0

Sucks for you, I guess she wanted a trophy of your amazing performance?

Darth_Taco 14

Well, now I know not to do that to my boyfriend. I am so sorry, but this is funny xD. Padlock your underwear drawer next time?

Taydiane 0

Better then mine, marine sniper, he showed all his guns and target practices to my now fiance, then waited for us to get home. we were 5 mins later and my dad cocked the pistol and told him that he had 5 mins to get off the property my fiance actually shit himself for it too.

Misosoup 0

Pathetic. Not the marine sniper thing, that's commendable. The over-protective, over aggressive thing. Especially towards a daughter who's old enough to get married and therefor old enough to make her own decisions. Absolutely unforgivable.

Chances are they are bad decisions. It is better for parents to err on the side of caution if their children are marginally "adult". Being 18 does not make you automatically responsible... just allows you to shoot the enemy and vote.

Misosoup 0

Being cautious is not pointing a gun, albeit probably not loaded, at your son-in-law to be for breaking a curfew by five minutes. Nor is it chasing someone with a baseball bat over a pair of underpants. Even if they WERE having sex, that would not be the proper response. That's excessive aggression in retaliation to a completely undeserving act. How can you tell her decisions are bad, and how do bad decisions warrant pointing a pistol in someone's face?

I thought this was all really funny, but then I realised that not only would my dad do the same (and probably will) but being 6 foot something, he would actually hit the guy and some of my also 6 foot something cousins and uncles would join him. Thank God they dont have any special training like the marine sniper.

courtney680 17

Same with my family.. My dad and his best friend and my dads best friends 4 sons... plus my brothers and my cousins.. It's crazy.. I can never bring guys home to meet the family..

Don't you just love people like this? What's he going to do, actually shoot you with the gun? Go to jail for murder because he decided his angel couldn't make decisions on her own? I hate people like this. It's not protective and caring, it's aggressive and controlling and shows you have clear attachment issues with your child. I have no respect for people like this, nor children that put up with it.

heyyou1203 0

lol, well the only time i've taken a guy's boxers is after we slept together, so i'd say her dad still has a right to be angry. unless your g/f went through your drawers and stole a pair without you knowing.

yeah, I agree... girls normally wear a guy's boxers after they have slept together or she spent the night @ your place..they don't normally steal them out of your room when you aren't looking so maybe your gf's dad had a reason to be angry..

I've been sleeping with my bf for around 2 years, & never had the desire to wear his boxers. I have my own shorts & they're much cuter & more comfy! ☺️

Dump her ass. The best solution to any relationship problem. Do it. Now!

Dump her because her dad is overprotective? Are you an idiot???

#90 dump her because his life is at risk. baseball bat to head = high risk if DEATH. sorry but i wouldnt stick around. i have in laws who have done jail time yet they do not threaten me like that (except one who was very drunk and he apologized for that)

It could be worse. They could be some other guys boxers.

That was my initial reaction to this. I mean, it is pretty weird but, it could be much worse.

seb12992 0

You could say this about any FML. Any FML could be worse than what was posted, seriously, just take it for what it is. He got chased for something that wasn't his fault.

How did they know they were yours? I know several girls who buy men's boxers, even ones big enough to fit their boyfriends. Crazy dads are crazy dads though. I don't know many guys that would leave their boxers though. It's not quite the same thing as a girl leaving her underwear at her boyfriends house.

6SiC6Magg0tKnot 0

YDI for being canadian you sick ****! Did you ever come to think that your dad is chasing you because you are dating your sister. Stupid canadians....

arienh4 0

Please die without reproducing. Thanks.