Thanks for the memories

By Anonymous - 12/04/2022 04:00

Today, I knew my mom wanted to go out to dinner with me and my sisters, and I couldn't remember why, so I called her and said, "Why are we going out to dinner?" and she goes, "Well, we always have." I forgot today's the anniversary of my stepdad dying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 730
You deserved it 554

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that was awkward… Different people and different cultures have their own customs. My wife is Jewish and she commemorates the anniversaries of her parents passing. My background is Christian and to me that feels a bit morbid - But different people, different families, different cultures deal with these events and anniversaries differently. After my own Father’s death I could begin to understand better…

We have no idea what your relationship with your stepdad was. These days, he'd be better-than-average if he didn't molest you.


We have no idea what your relationship with your stepdad was. These days, he'd be better-than-average if he didn't molest you.

Well that was awkward… Different people and different cultures have their own customs. My wife is Jewish and she commemorates the anniversaries of her parents passing. My background is Christian and to me that feels a bit morbid - But different people, different families, different cultures deal with these events and anniversaries differently. After my own Father’s death I could begin to understand better…