The lawnmower man

By Omega - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff

Today, I was sitting outside while my dad was mowing the lawn. He ran over a hornet's nest with several now-angry hornets. He escaped unscathed. I didn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 326
You deserved it 1 537

Top comments

**** wasps and hornets. **** them all to death.

I got lit up by hornets after running over their nest with a mower when I was a kid. Went back in the evening when they were all home with quintuple strength insecticide in a 2 gallon sprayer and emptied that thing into the nest. Killed those hornets so dead it went back in time and killed their parents too.


Yeah, you need to wasp out for those nests! Anyone? Anyone? I'll leave

I just realized it said hornets, not wasps. Goes to show that commenting at 3 am is a bad idea.

**** wasps and hornets. **** them all to death.

The only reason I don't want all wasps dead is that they pollinate fig trees and I like me some figs. They're still assholes, though.

I like this comment but that's a mental image I am likely not to be rid of for the better part of the morning. Thanks for that lol.

Hornets are evil little bastards. Much like there smaller cousin the wasp.

Hornets are the absolute worst. I'm so sorry, OP

I submitted almost this same exact FML last year except my mom ran over the nest. So I literally feel your pain :(

I know that **** hornets, wasps yeah.. But how did you let that happen we're the alpha predators. After all they're just insects, it's your fault.

Goblin182 26

So, you have never been stung?

Pretty sure 9 is trying to be sarcastic and funny.

I got lit up by hornets after running over their nest with a mower when I was a kid. Went back in the evening when they were all home with quintuple strength insecticide in a 2 gallon sprayer and emptied that thing into the nest. Killed those hornets so dead it went back in time and killed their parents too.

I'm going to do exactly that tonight

well thank God you aren't allergic to them or we wouldn't see this post- I mean or you wouldn't be alive

And that is why I always carry a lighter and a can of sunscreen in my backpack