By DumbCuntApparently - 27/02/2013 20:52 - Netherlands - Hilversum

Today, a classmate posted a recording of a recent lecture on my university's Facebook page, so we could listen again and take notes at home. A few minutes in, I heard myself asking a question. I then heard snorting and some girl muttering "dumb cunt" under her breath. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 084
You deserved it 4 463

Same thing different taste


According to the Onion, you've been mistaken for Quvenzhane Wallis

According to Pleonasm, the Onion has been mistaken for a reliable news outlet ;)

"But according to him, I'm beautiful, incredible!" and According to Jim...

JoeGrant 12

Just ignore said person, they probably suffer from their own shitty insecurities. Don't let it bother you too much, asking questions makes you smarter.

Don't ever be afraid to ask questions!! :)

perdix 29

2013: The Year that "There's No Such Thing as a Stupid Question" Was Disproven. You might get a Nobel Prize for that, dumb ****, or at least a Darwin Award.

OP will spark a furious national debate ending with a law being passed, mandating a "one child left behind" policy.

Oh jeeze. I have a massive biology lecture with 270 students, and there is this girl who sits in front and constantly asks irrelevant or absurd questions. The entire class makes fun of her behind her back. I'd hate to see what came up in a recording with her asking questions. Poor thing, people are so impatient.

To be fair, a lot of professors discourage questions being asked in lectures for this very reason. It holds up the lecture and if there are a lot of people there, they don't want multiple people interrupting the lecture. Usually they recommend all questions be asked in the smaller tutorial/discussion class.

Yes, but there is no smaller tutorial or discussion class for this course, and the professor encourages questions. She needs to go see the professor during office hours, and he has gently been nudging her in that direction for the past few lectures and she has gotten better. What makes the situation bad is the fact that a class of 270 people all hate her and jump down her throat behind her back for trying to learn, and they see nothing wrong with the fact that they call her an idiot, and numerous other less polite things yet they know nothing about her. That isn't okay. If you have nothing nice to say, then say nothing is my point of view in the situation just like with the OP.

Well you're one of the good ones then as you realize its not right

There's a trophy for true idiots, of which you are likely not. Its called the Horse's Ass Award. Maybe your classmate will someday make a good candidate.

Take comfort in knowing that you are trying where as that girl will most likely fail with that type of attitude.

And teachers wonder why students are so afraid to ask questions. "No one's judging you" they say. "Someone else might have the same question" they assure.

musiciangirl591 16

i usually just come to the professor after class and ask questions or just come to their office during office hours