By justthinkofyourhand - 13/07/2014 22:36 - United States - Salida

Today, after five years of dating, my boyfriend finally proposed to me. The words "just think of the tax breaks" were uttered. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 564
You deserved it 4 971

Same thing different taste


triplebeerox 27

Were those one of the first words he said during the proposal or did he say that later on to try to convince you to marry him? I feel that makes a difference...

badluckalex 23

the first sentence makes it seem like hes not ready/was rushed into asking

What about "5 years of dating" sounds rushed to you?

I know what you mean #11; if he said it right after 'will you marry me?', it'd sound like he's just using her for the tax breaks. If OP thought about it for a while, it probably made him nervous, & he was trying to give her reasons to say yes.

ahippienamedrae 10

Did you throw the ring in his face?

Why, I mean it's not the worse thing he could say.

Wait until he sees the wedding bill....

You got the Best profile picture on FML...

RedPillSucks 31

He'll probably combine the wedding with a business trip so he gets a tax write-off

OP won't be poor after she claims a few of those tax breaks.

fearlesscooldude 12

Did you take the TAX-i home after rejecting him?

Respect101 17

Guys it is a smart idea! It makes more income for you everyone when taxes come in. It's beneficial doesn't mean he doesn't love her. He spent 5 years with her before. So you know he isn't just doing it for the money.

Already family planing running through his head after having gotten that out

josebaseball11 14

Well, he does have a point...haha but yea, I hope he was kidding about that part

Being a woman, I'm not surprised that out of everything u probably said, that's was then only thing you heard

qdawg06 23

It's kind of a win win though... Kind of but not really...

pwnman 33

Your nickname for the FML you made has started my day with laughter!