By justthinkofyourhand - 13/07/2014 22:36 - United States - Salida

Today, after five years of dating, my boyfriend finally proposed to me. The words "just think of the tax breaks" were uttered. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 564
You deserved it 4 971

Same thing different taste


you could have said no (what i expect you did with that reason to propose).

GingerRoot 13

Tax breaks are nice! Don't knock it till you file! Might mean a bigger wedding ring ;)

What other reason is there? If you've been together for years, odds are you have already had sex outside of marriage, you probably know you both love each other and are dedicated to the relationship. you can live together and raise children (if wanted) without marriage. The only reason why you would go through the added trouble of getting married is the tax benefits or bragging about the relationship.

oh the sweet sweet tax breaks you two will have

blazerman_fml 17

You guys seem like a mature smart couple who love each other a lot and are ready to take the next big step!I'm guessing your other half realized that you guys are already like a sweet married couple so why not just Go for it!I think its really sweet.

I've been married for quite a few years and there are no tax breaks. In fact you are lucky if you don't end up paying more taxes than before.

Doesn't it depend on how you classify yourself when you file your taxes? From what I've read, it's more beneficial and recommended to file jointly than to file separately. There's a higher deduction ceiling for jointly-filed spouses, and you also get access to other tax credits. When you file separately, there are usually higher tax schedules and less room for deductions. In fact, the only time it'd be better to file separately is if you or your spouse have a high number of medical bills.

Even if you file jointly, the combined household income is usually enough to push both spouses up a bracket, resulting in a penalty. If one makes a lot less money or can take a ton of deductions that the other can't then marriage/a joint return might provide tax benefits, but it's not a guarantee.

Psh, you don't get any notable tax breaks. I was disappointed about that when I got married. Sorry OP, that wasn't nice of him and he's mistaken anyway.

There are no tax breaks for being married. Only for having kids. Marriage actually carries a tax penalty lol

Eh, if I had to choose between an extra $1200 in my pocket every year or my sanity, I'd take my sanity every time.

Especially when the $1200 barely makes a dent in the overall cost of child care!

Don't worry two months he'll say the same thing about having kids.