By Anonymous - 24/01/2010 14:25 - United States

Today, after reading a sign at the airport, my 6-year-old son thought it would be funny to yell, "Daddy's got a bomb!" Airport security then tackled me to the ground. Oh, and I missed my flight and my mother's birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 519
You deserved it 3 650

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well hopefully your son learned a lesson. Can't really expect a 6 year old to know what he can and cannot say in a airport.


pisau_gyvenima 0

this kind of stupid shit only happens in usa :D Lithuania, never such problems in airports... scotland, a freaking Janitor handeled two real terrorists... usa, a mother gets tackled for her 6y old sons words :D FAIL

xxhappyninjaxx 0

it says Daddy's got a bomb indicating that he is a man.

If it happened I heart your son! Thats just epic. :D

I'm sure I'm going to get bitchslapped or modded for this, but, YDI for not properly disciplining your child to let them know what appropriate public behavior is. If I were have to done this as a child, I would have met the wrath of a leather belt. And for all of you crazy-ass parents who say that spaking is wrong, unfortunately, child psychologists are siding with the spankers these days.

#32 speaks the truth! Beat that little ************'s ass! And to anyone who wants to come down on me for this opinion, google Laterian Milton, just to see how far out of control these little bastards have gone!

i wanted to do hoodrat stuff wit' mah fraaands

@32- My personal opinions on spanking aside, I'd like to see you try to stop a 6-year old (or anyone for that matter) from blurting out something random. How was the OP to expect something like that? Kids do stupid shit randomly, and unless you're a mind reader, there's nothing you can do to pre-emptively stop it. OP- FYL, I hope you at least punished the kid somehow and had a long talk about how inappropriate that was.

With all due respect, I've never had an incident where my six year old has shouted out anything random or even so much as screamed in public (with the exception where she was stung by four bees, and I'd probably yelp too if that was the case). She knows that there are consequences for her negative actions, and rewards for her positive actions.

Twi_lover_EC 6

Did ur son point to ur underware?

things like this make glad I'm still single

Are you on probation now,and do they have a picture of you of do not let on picture?