By Anonymous - 24/01/2010 14:25 - United States

Today, after reading a sign at the airport, my 6-year-old son thought it would be funny to yell, "Daddy's got a bomb!" Airport security then tackled me to the ground. Oh, and I missed my flight and my mother's birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 519
You deserved it 3 650

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well hopefully your son learned a lesson. Can't really expect a 6 year old to know what he can and cannot say in a airport.


BikerMike 0

I hope you beat his ass so he can't sit for a week or two

Okay, seriously? I know security at airports is tight now a days, but unless your son is 14-15, I don't see airport security tackling someone because their child said that. Detained? Yes. Possibly miss a flight? Yes. Tackled? What??? Are you Arab, w/a Turban on, and a backpack that has some sort of ticking sound coming from it, and did you spill a bunch of gas on you too so you smelled of gasoline?

SumKid_fml 0

Dad: Son, when we go to the airport, don't tell them I have a bomb in my undies or that I'm a terrorist, okay? OR ELSE I'LL BEAT THAT ******* LITTLE ASS TILL IT GLOWS LIKE A CHERRY!! Now who's a good little boy?

That kid is going to feel silly after he says that the fourth time and security doesn't believe him. But, daddy is actually going to have a bomb and blow up the plane. That will teach him for crying wolf.

imaniblub 0

lmfao he's gonna be as awesome as his dad one day