By IcantDance! - 01/10/2012 16:05 - United States - Daphne

Today, although I can't dance, I decided to go to a club. A really cute girl asked me to dance, and I politely declined. She kept insisting, so I finally said okay. A few minutes in, she stopped, looked at me, and said, "If you're going to make fun of my dancing, I'm leaving." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 340
You deserved it 2 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She made you dance even when you didn't want to. Don't beat yourself up over it.

JustMery 9

Join the club. You're not the only one.


It probably isn't half a bad as my dancing

kristina1124 3

U should have just told her u weren't a good dancer, being honest like that would have helped. and it would have ended up a fun thing rather then uncomfortable. :)

Get yourself some solar powered Epaulettes and attach the wires to a clamp on your nipple. When the lights flash your nipple will shock you making you have an involuntary movement. Since it is to the beat of the music therefore you look like a good dancer.

just grind. you can never go wrong with grinding.

That's horrible advice. If someone who I just asked to dance started grinding with me right away, I'd be majorly creeped.

DomAce 4

Exactly why i don't dance with my girlfriend.

patacus 14

next time just tell her you don't know how. then have her teach you like in one of them hip teen-dance-romance movies. Aw yeah.

Iamme30069 5
j3ebrules 13

Aw c'mon having a "moment" when you explain yourself and have a laugh at yourself with her is a ripe moment to catch a date.

That would be true if the girl weren't acting so narcissistic as to automatically think that OP's horrible dancing was directly related to her. The girl isn't good dating material, but good advice, nonetheless.

Its ok op, atleast your not in the club doing the same move for two hours...or pumpin your fist like a lame!