By noexceptions - 11/11/2009 05:16 - United States

Today, at school, I got stuck in the elevator and was about to panic before I remembered I had my phone. I called my mother and she called the school to tell them that I was stuck. They got me out in a few minutes and then confiscated my phone and gave me two detentions for using it in school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 558
You deserved it 3 447

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have the schools head on a platter for unreasonable treatment. This was an emergency situation in which you had no other choice. You were not disrupting a class or using it for conversation. Maybe you could have pushed the emergency call button in the elevator, but that's no excuse for the school's actions.

Horde 8

Doesn't elevators come with emergency ring and intercom?


If your not handicapped use the stairs fatass, if you are, that sucks

At my school there are three floors and one handicapped junior. Most of the time there are flat runways for her but there is also an elevator that only she and janitors can unlock because they have a key. Oh and an emergency button.

I went to a high school in manhattan. It was ten stories tall. Most students weren't allowed to use the elevators except for seniors with specific privileges, but there were escalators.

My school had the no phones rule. Of course everyone brought their phones and it made perfect sense to. You see there are these things called extra-ciricular activities. These things are after school hours and are not always on a set schedule. So often it is necessary for students to have a way to contact their parents. Oh and let's not forget, I live in Florida and was in my sophmore year of high school during the Hurricane season of 2004. I went to a school with 4000 students, so when the announcement came that they were letting us out of school early I was VERY happy to have my cell phone. Moral of story your school was wrong.

That sucks, as long as we're not in the classrooms we can use a phone. Ha.

pepperjack 0

sue the school for getting stuck in their elevator

Yeah, that makes perfect sense. Maybe you should sue the shoe company because your laces came undone and you tripped!

Are you kidding me? It's practically impossible to fire a teacher in the US unless you can prove gross misconduct.

HBubble 3

You should have refused to give them your phone.

I carry my old, non-working, phone with me just in case. XD